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A little bit about me...


Hi, I’m Gary Banks the founder of GB Perform.


I’m a Level 4 Personal Trainer, Qualified Nutritionist and Mindfulness Life Coach.


I’m a 2-time British Champion Fitness Model, I’ve run the London Marathon in sub-4 hours and played both Football and Rugby at a professional level. In my free time I enjoy scuba diving, playing golf and cycling.


I truly believe the most precious thing in life is to nurture your mental and physical health, to ensure you lead the most fulfilling life possible.


I know first-hand what it feels like to not prioritise your health and wellbeing. 


Prior to founding GB Perform, I worked for a large Commercial Utility organisation for almost 30 years. Travelling the length and breadth of Europe, living out of a suitcase week after week, working to live not living to work – my health, fitness and wellbeing were suffering as a result. 


I had to stop and re-evaluate my life. This led me to launching my business in the one thing I had always had a huge passion for, the fitness industry.


I have always had a keen interest in keeping active, from a young age playing sports including athletics, football, tennis and swimming. Fitness helps clear my mind, encourages me to eat well and I love to push my body through exercise as it makes me feel strong, healthy and happy. Looking after my body gives me the work/life balance I have always been searching for and I wanted to help others do the same.


So here I am in the present day, now the proud owner of GB Perform, a business that embodies looking after people, guiding them to ensure they not only achieve their goals but surpass them. Helping to support people on a journey to a healthier mind, body and soul. 


My mission is to introduce you to a new mindset and way of life using simple techniques, following straightforward training and nutrition plans, plans that are easy to understand and more importantly sustainable for the rest of your life.


No fad diets, no back breaking workouts, no food that’s bland and boring, no jargon that means nothing to you outside of the fitness industry. Just a clear understanding on how to best nurture yourself through fitness, nutrition and mindfulness. 


I founded GB Perform purely to help other likeminded people, people struggling to find the time or energy to get fitter, feel healthier and eat well. And just as importantly, maybe more importantly, have a healthier mindset. 


I am incredibly passionate about helping people achieve their goals, both physically and mentally. I have helped thousands of men, women and children become fitter, stronger and, most importantly, happier in life through my coaching – I would love to help you do the same.


Make that change today, invest in you, and have a more fulfilling and happier future.


Best wishes



- Level 4 Personal Trainer

- Qualified Nutritionist 

- Eating Disorders Nutritionist

- Mindfulness & Wellbeing  Life Coach

- Qualified in Body Realignment/Mechanics after Trauma & Surgery

- Qualified in Rehabilitation of Muscle & Joint Injuries after Trauma & Surgery

- Spin Coach

- FA Affiliated Coach

- Masters in Business Finance & Accountancy

- Degree in Leadership

- Degree in Psychology

- Degree in Finance & Accountancy

- Degree in Business Administration

- Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA) Approved

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